Reuse Centers in Western Macedonia
The network of the reuse facilities in Western Macedonia is expanding with the addition of the Florina’s Reuse Center. Reuse Center is a new addition to the Integrated Waste Management System (IWMS) of Western Macedonia that aims to prevent the production of waste.
The first reuse center in Western Macedonia
On 25 September 2020, was held the grand opening of the first reuse center in Western Macedonia. The reuse center will serve Munipalities of Kastoria, Argos Orestiko and Nestorio. The reuse Center is a new addition to the Integrated Waste Management System (IWMS) of Western Macedonia that aims to prevent the production of waste. The project is co-funded by the […]
Directive about biodegradable waste and waste management hierarchy
“Bio-waste” means biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from households, offices, restaurants, wholesale, canteens, caterers and retail premises and comparable waste from food processing plants;’ (Directive 2018/851). Currently the main environmental threat from biowaste and other biodegradable waste such as forestry or agricultural residues, manure, sewage sludge, natural textiles, paper or processed wood, is the production of […]
Kozani starts journey to become a circular bio-based city
To understand better the meaning of “circular bio-based” firstly we have to understand the term “Bio-waste”. “Bio-waste” means biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen waste from households, offices, restaurants, wholesale, canteens, caterers and retail premises and comparable waste from food processing plants;’ (Directive 2018/851). When food is wasted, all of the resources that went into its production are […]
Home composting-basic rules
Installation of the Home Composting Bin Ideally you should place your compost bin in a sunny spot in your garden, on the ground (direct contact with the soil), in a place that you can easily fill and evacuate. The reason you should put your bin in the ground is that it allows beneficial micro-organisms that live in the soil to enter […]
The good example of Sweden on biowaste management
An important reason why Swedish households separate at source of generation is that they wish to contribute to a better environment and an ecocycle‐based society (circular economy). Especially for biowaste, it is important to reduce adverse effects in the form of emissions of methane gas from landfills. The expansion of separate collection of food waste for biological treatment has come […]
Public information actions on biowaste management
Well formulated information is the single most important factor in attaining good results for household biowaste. The current project’s public information actions include school information programs and residential information actions for the Municipalities of Kastoria and Grevena, through events. Also, there is dissemination material of the project that contains reusable eco-bags, pencils, magnets, and hats that are distributed to those […]
Biowaste management- a good example to reduce landfill waste
Volumes of waste today are increasing in line with economic growth. Landfill waste poses a huge problem first of all, as it has economic and environmental impact and secondly, due to slow decomposition rate which takes thousands of years. Furthermore, several acres of land have already been virtually rendered useless that could have been actually used for setting up new residential colonies or […]
What are the advantages of waste prevention through recycling?
Recycling is a form of waste management that involves converting waste and other used materials into reusable products. Instead of being taken to a landfill to sit and rot the Earth for years to come, it gets singled out and repurposed for another use. Recycling helps to reduce energy usage, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce air pollution, […]
Supply of biowaste bins in Grevena
Today, the Municipality of Grevena received the biowaste bins for the citizens of Grevena. Especially, 200 biowaste bins with a capacity of 120lt and 100 bins of 240lt were received, as well as 200 home composting bins of 330lt. Furthermore, 1000 bins with a capacity of 10lt, for the separation of biowaste at home, will be received soon. Below […]